Athena in Action

This six-month leadership development program is designed for senior businesswomen wanting to:
  • Enhance her organizational impact so that valuable work gets delivered more efficiently and to a higher standard;
  • Build a stronger network of influence and support horizontally across the organization and vertically with top executives to retain top women leaders;
  • Increase her awareness of how she sees the world; and value why others often see it differently; and use this powerful insight to make more strategic choices that produce better results.
Program outcomes include:
  • Immediate application of new, practical leadership frameworks.
  • Increased trust and support among cross-functional peers and team members so great ideas move forward more quickly.
  • Improved negotiation and conflict resolution skills that fuel—rather than deflate—collaboration.
  • A better understanding of the multidimensional aspects of communication—including the emotions and physical body—and the impact they have on productivity, connection and understanding.
Proven approach. Custom solution.
More than 200 women have experienced Athena in Action. And 100% of participants would recommend the program to a colleague or trusted friend. The success behind Athena in Action is twofold. 1) It is high touch. Monthly group learning sessions are conducted in-person. Plus, individual coaching ensures effective application of the tools and concepts, along with personalized guidance to address each participant’s unique needs. 2) It is customized. Athena in Action is not a “canned,” one-size-fits-all program. Yes, the curriculum, materials, session facilitation and one-on-one support are all provided. These components are the foundation for the content—and that’s crafted specifically to reflect your organization’s goals and work dynamic. The result is a highly responsive program that participants find amazingly relevant.